Hi, I’m Stefan
On this page you can find condensed information about what I know. No worries it's not that much yet.
My skills include:
- XML: Read from XML using XStream. Use DTD's to validate.
- CODE: Separate static data(immutable) from changing data.
- AI: Create an AI player that behaves somewhat intelligent.
- GUI: Thingle library
- PHP: Read/write highscores
- IDE: IntelliJ IDEA
- Package and deploy using ant and fatjar
- PHPBB3: Prevent Spam bot abuse on the forum by using
+ Random question on registering.
+ Newly registered users need to have their 3 first posts approved by a moderator.
I also played around with VBA in excel and access and finally made the jump to the .NET world. To practise I made several winform applications.
Additional Skills include:
- Visual Studio
- Linq 2 SQL
- Database: MS SQL Compact Edition, Access, MS SQL
- Winform databinding
- Usability issues: Popups vs information in the status bar, pagers, scroll wheel and comboboxes,...
- Config: Read/Write Custom configuration
- IText: To create a PDF file
- NPOI: To create an Excel Workbook
- NBUG: Error handler
Want to know more? I keep an up to date CV on linkedin
Interested in code? I'm on github